Lesson 19: Email


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Download To request from another computer
I could not download my email.
Subject The title of the email
Subjects are important in email.
CC (carbon copy) To copy someone in an email
Can you CC me?
BCC (blind carbon copy) To send a hidden copy
I BCC sometimes.
Forward To send a received email to another person
I forwarded the email to the team.
Reply To answer
I have to reply to the email as soon as possible.
Address The email of the recipient
What is your email address.
Draft A first copy
He saved a draft of the email.
Inbox A box where the email is received
My inbox is full so I cannot receive anymore mail.
Outbox The box where the email is copied when sent
The outbox is also full.
Send/Receive To make a request for mail
You should click on send and receive to see if you have any new mail.
Check mail To verify if there is new mail
Could you check your mail?
Bulk mail Large group of mail sent out
We send out a lot of bulk mail.
Spam Unrequested email
I get a lot of spam every week.
Calendar A scheduling program
I have a calendar in my program.

Unsolicited email spam
I get unsolicited email a lot.
Sent items Folder for email to be sent
Maybe the lost email is in sent Items.
Reply to all To answer everyone
Be careful not to reply to all. Just to John.
Folders Directory to store and organize email
There are several folders for email. Try them.
Toolbar A collection of buttons for tools
There is an email toolbar in the program.
Rich Text Format (RTF) Simple text formatting
I use RTF to avoid viruses.
HTML Hyper Text Mark Up Language
I do not like RTF because you can only get images with HTML email.
Flag To mark
Did you flag the important email?
Chat or IM Instant messaging (like MSN, Yahoo Chat or Skype)
I use IM a lot.
Move to folder To move a document to a new directory
Can you move the email to the new folder?
Mail server The computer that manages the email
Where is your mail server?
Signature Address and details of a person at the end of an email
Did you include a signature in the email?

Technique builders Time
7:15 seven fifteen / a quarter past (after) seven.
7:30 seven thirty / half past seven
7:45 seven forty five / a quarter to eight
1 AM 3 PM 6 AM 9:15 1:30 4:45 7 AM 10:30 2 AM 5:45 8 AM 11 PM
11:59 8:28 5:13 2:33 10:42 7:51 4:37 1:26 6:11 3:08 12:02 Midnight Midday