Lesson 2: Disaster Recovery


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

IT Information technology
The IT systems were good.
Procedures The action plan for an event
The procedures were put into place.
Drive Storage disks for a computer
They put everything on the T Drive.
Folder The information directory
The file can be found in the information folder.
Recover To recuperate
They will have to recover all the data on the system.
Laptop Portable computer
I have a laptop for transporting around.
External hard drive Storage device
He wants to have an external hard drive for his laptop.
Back up A second copy
We need a back up of all of the data.
To burn To copy onto a CD or a DVD
I burned a CD last week.
USB A storage devise to keep data
I need a USB key to put my data together.
Consultant A professional
He is an IT consultant.
System An organization
He has a sophisticated system.
Desktop A computer on a desk
I have a desktop computer.
Tech Support IT help
The tech support is good. They helped me with my problems.
Scheduled Planned
They scheduled a meeting for early that morning.
Bean A vegetable
They are having beans with dinner.

Bush A plant
They planted some bushes around the house.
Beat To hit
They beat the carpet to get it clean.
Rule A law or regulation
The rule said they had to have a back up plan.

Technique builders
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CTO Chief Technology Officer
IT Information Technology
CD Compact Disk
DVD Digital Video Disk
EU European Union
BCC Blind Carbon Copy (To send a hidden copy)
CC To copy someone in an email
R&D Research and Development