Lesson 20: Accounting


Vocabulary Builders:
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Financials The numbers
The financials of the company looked good.
Year end Financial results
The team had to stay around to finish the year end.
Fiscal year The financial year (which is different form the calendar year)
The fiscal year was March 1st to April 30th.
In the red To be loosing money
The company was in the red. They couldn’t invest in any R&D.
In the black To be profitable
They were in the black so they decided to buy another company.
Business plan A document outlining the business strategy
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (a business case study)
The SWOT analysis showed the business plan was not solid.
EarningsThe money entering
The earnings decreased with the reduction of commodity costs.
Net profit The remaining profit
The net profit was 3 percent higher this year because of cost cutting.
Gross The total profit before expenses
The gross margins were good, but the net was not as positive.
Margins The difference between net and gross
The margins were good. They had a low overhead.
Spreadsheet A document used for outlining the financial situation of a company
The financial position of the company was indicated on the spreadsheet.
Results The financial conclusion
The results on the spreadsheet were not optimistic. They needed to do a SWOT.
Kickback Illegal money
The purchaser received a kickback.
Audits To review the financial statements of a company
They were doing an audit on the organization.

Chartered accountant A person who manages financials (usually for a company)
They hired a chartered accountant to do the job.
CPA A Certified Public Accountant (similar to a chartered accountant)
The CPA was responsible for the audit.
Assets Anything of value in an organization
The assets in the company included the cash in the bank.
Liabilities Anything of cost
The liabilities on the financial report were significant.
Employee tax Taxes a company pays for employees
The employee tax was for social security.
Income tax Tax on revenue
Sometimes income tax is low but employee tax is high.
Sales tax Consumer tax
The sales tax is 7 percent.
P&L Profit and Loss (statement)
The P&L shows poor margins.
Merger To group two companies together strategically
The Acme Company decided to merge with the competition to save on costs.
Acquisition To buy a company
They acquired the company last year.
Bankruptcy To no longer be able to function.
The company was nearly bankrupt.

Technique builders
$100,000 €2,000,000 €3,000,000,000 $4,000,000,000,000
£950,000 ¥740,000 $620,000 £410,000