Lesson 21: Ecommerce


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Shopping basket A container to collect shopping goods (for a supermarket)
The site uses a shopping basket to collect items for sale.
Shopping cart A wagon used to collect shopping goods (also used for e-commerce sites)
There is a shopping cart full of products the web site is selling.
Purchase To buy
He is purchasing online today.
Products Things to be sold
The products are being sold on the e-commerce site.
Services Support provided by people
The services are included in the shopping cart.
Networks Groups of computers used for e-commerce
The company has a network to manage the e-commerce site.
Electronic funds Virtual money
They use electronic funds for the site.
Transfers To send from one bank to another
To send money from one site to another (or one bank to another) is to transfer.
Supply chains The processes of supplying the client
Amazon e-commerce has a supply chain in each continent.
Inventory management The management of goods
The inventory management was organized by the office in South America.
E-business Business online
E-business is business that is done online.
Telephone banking Using the phone for the bank
I do my financial transactions with telephone banking.
Secure connection Safe connection
They have a secure connection for the financial transactions.

Dot com Internet site name
The doc com boom was in 2000.
Encryption To secure information
They encrypt all of the software and financial transactions.
Fire walls System used to protect computers
They have a fire wall for security.
Point of sale An area used for sales
The point of sale was in Asia.
Chat rooms Internet pages where members can chat together
There are chat rooms for the clients to talk.
Discussion boards Areas on the internet where you can post information
They use discussion boards to communicate information.
Branding Making people remember your product
Branding is important for internet sites.
PayPal An online banking system
I use PayPal to do my online shopping.
eBay An online store
I like eBay for shopping.
Credit cards Visa, MasterCard, American Express are all credit cards
I use my credit card when shopping online.
Bank card Used to access money in a bank account
I do not think it is possible to use a bank card online.
Debit card Similar to a bank card
My bank gave me a debit card to get cash.

Technique builders (Web Sites) Slash / Colon : Dot .
www.yahoo.jp/pics www.time.com/international.asp http://koreanair.ko/etickets.html www.email.mx/inbox.php