Lesson 23: Hiring


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Recruiting To engage for a company
They were recruiting for the new position.
Employment agency A company specialized in hiring
They are hiring through an employment agency.
Retainer Money put aside for a contract
The employment agency wants a retainer before it begins.
Resume American for CV
He sent his resume to MacDonald’s.
CV Used everywhere outside of America
He is looking for an international job. He has sent his CV to Google.
Cover Letter Letter used to introduce yourself
They asked for a CV and a cover letter.
Letter of reference Letter used by someone to introduce someone else
She wants a letter of reference.
Letter of recommendation Letter from a former employer (usually positive)
I have included a letter of recommendation in the application.
Human Resources Department used for hiring
You should send it to the human resource department.
Job assessment Evaluation of a job
He did a job assessment with his boss.
Interviews Meetings for a job
I have two interviews next week.
Equal opportunity Every candidate is given the same consideration
They offer equal opportunity to all applicants.

Temp workers A temporary employee
He was a temp worker before working full time at Air India.
Full time Someone who works a full week
I start full time next month.
Resource management The supervision of resources in a company
I think that the resource management at the company is not so good.
Human capital Another expression for human resources
The human capital at the organization is very important.
Experience The time a person has done something
I have a lot of experience in the area.
Headhunter A person who looks for a candidate aggressively
They are headhunting for the position.
Education To train formally
My formal education was at Yonsei University in Seoul.
Firing To dismiss
They are firing employees.
Letter of resignation To leave a company
I have sent my letter of resignation. I am starting a new job.

Technique builders (Web Sites) : colon / slash . dot ? Question Mark = Equals