Lesson 24: Quality Control


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Quality assurance To guarantee quality
They have a quality assurance process. They check every level of production.
Specification The calculations of details
The specification said that the product was made properly.
Materials The elements used
The materials were quality controlled.
Labor (labour UK) The work force
The labor market is good.
Mechanization To be done automatically
The mechanization of the system is important.
Foreman The boss
The foreman has twenty employees.
Assembly lines A mass production system
The assembly line is efficient.
Products The goods that are made
The products are well made.
Inspector A Person who verifies the products
The inspector is working hard.
Superintendents People responsible for production
The superintendents are busy.

Mass production Large scale production
They do mass production for efficiency.
Sampling Examples of something (usually for tests)
They are doing a sampling of the product.
Failure testing To test for quality
They have to do a failure test of the product.
Improvement To make better
The improvement on the product was important.
Business systems The process to obtain a result in a business context
The business system is good.
Requirements The official needs
The requirements were met.
Process improvements To make a system better
The process has improvements.
ISO Benchmarked quality
They got an ISO certification.

Technique builders (Numbers)
1,000 3,500 5,200 7,400 9,600 13,800 15,200 17,400 19,500