Lesson 25: Web support


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Technician A person with technical expertise
The technician was able to help the client.
Ticket A file to follow a problem usually used for tech support
The technical support assigned a ticket to the problem.
Hotline A special phone number for help
They called the hotline for support.
Troubleshoot To identify a problem
The technician had to troubleshoot the problem.
Bug A computer problem
The bug on the computer was creating a lot of problems.
Outsource To send work to another country
They outsourced the problem to the team in China.
Server A main computer
The server was located at the head office.
Hardware The physical part of a computer
They need new hardware.
Hosting To store on a hard drive
They host many different programs.
ISP An internet service provider or a company that gives internet support
The ISP is one of the biggest in the city.
Mail server A computer used for email
The mail server was having problems.
Upload To send a file to another computer
They uploaded all of the files to the new client.

Download To receive a file from another computer
They downloaded a lot of files from the net.
Update To install the latest version
They have to update the computer so that it has new software.
Anti virus A program to stop viruses from getting onto your computer
They have to update the system. They should install the new anti virus.
Firewall A program to protect a computer from intrusion
They need a firewall to stop the intruders.
Icon A button to open a program or a file
The icon was for the email program.
Desktop The main page of a computer
The desktop is full of icons.
Set up Used to install a program (on a computer)
The technician has to install a program. He should click on set up.
Configuration The set up of a computer
They configured the computer to work better.
Format To prepare (for a computer)
Can you format your hard drive?
Error message The message sent when there is a problem
The error message said they would need to reboot the computer.

Technique builders
= equal(s) > greater than < less than ≤ equal or less than ≥ equal or greater than ©copy right ® registered