Lesson 26: Team Work


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Helping To assist
He is helping with the planning of the project.
Participate To help
The new team member wanted to participate in the venture.
Contribute To add, to give
He must contribute a maximum to move ahead.
Partake To participate or to assist
He is partaking in the mission.
Chip in To contribute
In the meeting she decided to chip in. She told them about her experience.
Join To become a member
He joined the new team on the mission.
Play a part To participate
He played a major part in the establishment of the department.
Communicating To transmit an idea
She is good at communicating her ideas.
Partner A person you work with and has an interest in a situation
He is a partner in the project.
Coordinator A person who organizes for a team
They need a coordinator for the team.
Resource A person who can help
He is a great resource for information.
Team worker A person working in a group
The team worker is a person who listens a lot.
Listener To hear
I am a listener to the complaints from the management.
Persuading To influence in favor of your ideas
They persuaded the management to set up a new team.

Respecting To agree with someone’s ideas
He respected the deadline and the budget.
Interdependent To be connected and interacting with other people
He is an interdependent person. They mutually support each other.
Project teams A team created to realize an assignment
The project team was specialized in management.
Clique A group (with strong power)
He is part of a clique.
Club A group of people
The golf club is expensive.
Community A group
We live in the European Economic Community.
Franchise A system that follows a model
They want to franchise their idea.
Squad (squadron) A physical activity group (group, team, crew, force…)
They had a squad ready to react.

Technique builders (Abbreviations)
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
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i.e. For Example
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
Kg Kilogram
FYI For Your Information
Lb. Pound (weight)
AGM Annual General Meeting
ASAP As soon as possible