Lesson 27: Cover Letters


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Job seeker Someone looking for a job (seek sought sought)
There are many job seekers in information technology at present.
Unemployed To be without a job
He is unemployed.
Skills Areas of experience and capacity
She has many skills. She can speak three languages.
Trade A job related to specific skills
He works in the medical trade.
Profession Area of activity (specialized)
What is your profession? I am a teacher.
Position Your place in a company
There is a position in the new company.
Post The position in an organization
The post requires a 3 year BA.
Head-hunter An organization looking aggressively to hire
The head-hunter is looking for a person who can meet the job requirements.
Introductions A person willing to establish a connection in a relationship
He introduced his friend to the new boss.
Qualifications Training and education
Her qualifications were good for the position. She got the job.
Credential(s) Official document with a record of diplomas
He has all of the credentials necessary for the job.
HR Manager The person (or people) who are responsible for human resources
Send your CV to the HR manager.
Certificate A paper credential
He has an Excel software certificate.

Experience Areas where a person has worked
They need someone with a lot of experience.
Employer People who hire you
The employer wants someone who is certified.
CV A document presenting your experience and education
They wanted her to send her CV.
Curriculum Vitae The full name for this document
The Curriculum Vitae is on its way to the HR manager.
Education Institution and diplomas (where you studied)
I did my education at City College.
Schooling Where you went to school
My schooling was in England.
Hobbies Personal interests
I have many hobbies, but most of all I like to read.
Other A heading used in a CV for “other” areas of interest
I put that I am member of the Chamber of Commerce in “Other”.
References People who will recommend you
I have a few references.
Citizenship Official country of nationality
I have Australian citizenship.
Work status What is your present work situation
My work status at present is that I am unemployed.
Classified Advertisements in a newspaper (Also classified ads or classifieds)
I was looking through the classifieds the other day and saw a job posting.

Technique builders (email or letter openings / formal to informal)
Dear Sir/Madam / To whom it may concern / Gentlemen / Dear all / Dear Mr. Smith / Dear Jane / Hi Jack / Jack / Greetings / Hi / How is it going?