Lesson 28: Training


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Teacher A person responsible for instruction
The teacher in the program is good. She is an expert.
Session A period of time used for training
The session lasts two weeks. They have another session next year.
Program The grouping of subjects combined creates a program
The program has three sessions.
Apprentice When you learn on the job
The college also offers an apprentice program.
Professional development Learning used for a specialized situation
The professional qualifications of the teacher are good.
Qualified To have the right experience and education
He is really qualified to do the training.
Skilled To have abilities
She is very skilled at her work.
Mentoring To follow a person or a group
They have a mentoring program.
Organizational learning To learn within an organization
He is involved in organizational learning. He teaches in an institution.
Structural learning To have a special structure to learn through
They do structural learning.
Blended learning Mixed learning style such as e-learning and face to face
They have a blended learning program.
Performance management program To go through performance management training
They are doing performance management training.

Coaching A personal teacher and program
She has a coaching next week.
Instructional design Developing a program
The instructional design at the college is good.
E-learning Learning on a computer
They offer e-learning in the program.
On line learning Learning on the internet
They have an on-line learning system.
Motivational coaching Encouraging people to perform
They have brought in a motivational coach for the sports team.
Leadership Offering good direction
That company has great leadership.
Knowledge management To be able to handle information
They have a knowledge management program at the school.
Good practices Good habits
They have a good practice methodology at the company.
Content management To organize the content of a program
They have a content management system.
Scholarship Ability in education
The scholarship at the organization was impressive.

Technique builders (Currency) Remember Dollars Cents / Euros Cents / Pounds Pence (penny)
$22.00 €33.00 £69.10 $89.20 €87.25 $45.89 €23.75 $56.98 £66.36 $125.23 €569.81 £936.19