Lesson 29: Business Lunches


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Company card A Visa card used for business purposes
I used a company card when having lunch with business colleagues.
A special A combination of dishes (usually for lunch)
The special today is chicken pasta.
Dish Food served on a plate
My favourite dish is fish. Do they have any fish specials?
Breakfast Morning food
I do not have breakfast before leaving for work. I just grab a coffee.
Lunch Midday food
I had a lunch with clients yesterday. We went to Luigi’s, a new restaurant downtown.
Dinner End of the day food
I have dinner around 6 pm. In Europe they eat later.
Brunch Usually a Saturday late breakfast
I had brunch with friends on the weekend. It was lovely.
Meal Breakfast lunch or dinner
I had a big meal the other day.
Entrée The first dish
I like soup for entrées. Salads are good too.
Main course The principal dish
My main course was a steak.
Dessert A sweet dish after a meal
I like ice cream for dessert. Jim likes chocolate.
Drinks To have a drink (usually alcoholic)
We had drinks last week. We had a lot of fun.

Finger food Food you eat with your fingers
They have finger food at the bar.
Draught A beer (pronounced draft)
I had a draught last week with friends.
A bite A small amount of food
Let’s go for a bite.
Snack When you eat between meals you have a snack
I want a snack. Do you have time?
Nibble Like a snack
Do you nibble? I do not nibble between meals.
A bar A place that serves drinks
Let’s go to Fridays. It is a great bar.
A hang out A place you go to often like a bar
I have a great hang out near work. Do you want to go for a drink next week after work?
The local pub A friendly bar (UK)
The local pub is great. They have a warm atmosphere.
Power lunch To have a business lunch
I had a power lunch with the team last week. It was at the new steak house in the area.
The menu The document used to order food
They had a lunch menu and a dinner menu. The lunch menu is cheaper.

Technique builders (Percentages)
15% 12% 65% 100% 200% 20.5% 36.9% 46.5% 52.236% 23.569% 96.89564%