Lesson 3: Airlines


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Airline A company that transports people by plane
I travel with a major airline on vacation every year. I use my points.
Business trip A trip for work
I am going on a business trip tomorrow.
Boarding To get on an airplane
We are boarding in ten minutes.
Boarding pass A document needed to board a plane
Did you get your boarding pass?
Boarding call An announcement for boarding
Did you hear the boarding call for the flight?
Passport Official travel document
I need a passport for my trip next week.
Visa Special permission to travel in a country
Do you need a visa for Australia? No just a passport.
Gate The place to board a plane
I think the gate is 21.
Book a ticket To reserve a ticket
I booked a ticket for China.
Executive lounge Pre boarding luxury area
Do you know where the executive lounge is?
Check in To officially present for a flight
Where do you check in?
Frequent flyer Someone who travels a lot
Are there any frequent flyers in the company?

Points Rewards for flying
I got many points flying to Europe.
Reclining seats Seats that go back
Are there any reclining seats in economy class?
Delayed flights Flights that leave late
The flight was delayed.
Economy class A less expensive seat
I travel economy class for work.
Business class A more expensive seat
Do you like business class?
Hubs An airport that is used to transfer passenger to other planes
I have to go through Dubai to transfer. It is a hub.
Flag carriers National carriers (for example Air Canada, Lufthansa etc…)
What is the flag carrier in India? Air India?
Local airports Smaller airports
Is there a local airport?

Technique builders
Pronouns that are the same as the subject.
myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
she does it by herself / they do it by themselves / you do it by yourself / you do it by yourselves