Lesson 30: Meetings


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Agenda A list of items to be discussed in a meeting
The assistant is handing out the agenda for the meeting.
Hold a meeting To have a meeting
They will hold a meeting on the subject next week.
Apologies Someone who cannot attend a meeting
Jack sends his apologies for his absence. He got stuck in a snow storm in Moscow.
Any other business (AOB) At the end of a meeting
Is there any other business to attend to?
Items on the agenda The issues to be discussed at a meeting
There are ten items on the agenda. It seems like a lot.
Taking notes To write down
Did anyone take notes at the meeting?
Minutes The official document where the notes of the meeting can be found
The assistant is taking the minutes. He always takes them.
Kick-off To start a project and assign tasks
When does the project kick-off? I have some ideas I would like to present.
Decision making a choice
She has to make a decision soon. The subject will be discussed at the meeting.
Chair (chairman, chairwoman) The person running the meeting
The president is chairing the meeting.
Handouts A document used to give to people
The handout supports the idea being presented by the chair. It is 5 pages long.
Projector A machine used to show a presentation
The projector is in the office. You should get it if you need it for the meeting.

PowerPoint The software used in a meeting
I use PowerPoint for my presentations.
Show A presentation (an impressive and prepared formal production)
He has prepared a show for the meeting.
Screen A screen is for a projector to show the presentation
The screen for the projector is in the other room.
Committees Sub groups used for decision making
They have appointed a committee to analyse the problem.
Attendance People present
The attendance was low at the meeting. There were five people missing.
Summarizing To go over the information again
They have to summarize the meeting.
Closing the meeting To formally end a meeting
We should close the meeting. We have to go for lunch.

Technique builders Dates (first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighty, ninth, … fifteenth…twenty fifth etc..)
Also remember USA mm/dd/yy elsewhere is dd/mm/yy
Use the international time structures below.
05/12/02 09/06/00 08/01/98 06/11/95 13/05/10 15/02/12 14/03/89 16/10/08 19/04/15 25/09/20 31/08/65