Lesson 31: Hobbies


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Hobbies Regular pleasure activities
I have many hobbies.
After hours After work
I like to go out after hours.
Activities Things to do
I have many cultural activities.
The club The gang or group (also like a golf club)
I joined the squash club.
Golf A sport
I play golf.
Contacts Connections
I make many contacts at the fitness club.
Relations Associates, connections
I think it is important to develop relations for a career.
Holidays Days off
I like to go on sporting holidays.
Amateur Not paid
He is an amateur artist.
Relaxing To be at ease
I think it is important to have a relaxing hobby.
Enjoying To like
I like enjoying my weekends with my sports friends.
To have fun To enjoy
I think it is important to have fun.
Cultural hobbies Music art etc…
I have a few cultural hobbies.

Team sports Group activities
I play team sports.
Cycling Biking
I enjoy cycling.
Mountain biking Off road biking
I go mountain biking a lot.
Downhill skiing Skiing on a hill
My boss goes downhill skiing often.
Cross country skiing Skiing on flat land
I prefer cross country skiing to downhill.
Jogging To run
I like jogging. I go often.
Running A fitness sport
I go running regularly.
Marathon Long distance running
I ran a marathon last year.
The arts Cultural activities
I enjoy the arts.
The theatre Used for plays
I went to the theatre last month.
Acting To pretend
He is an amateur actor.

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