Lesson 32: Mobile Communication


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Cell A grouping of entities (used for most cell phones)
A cell phone is a basic business tool.
Diffusion Distribution, circulation
Cells diffuse phone calls to local cell phone users. Cellular A type of phone technology based on regional diffusion
Cellular technology is developing. Text message To send with a text through a phone
He receives a lot of text messages from his friends. SMS To send with a text (also through a phone)
He receives SMSs all day. His phone is constantly beeping. Handheld An electronic devise you can hold
I have several handhelds. I have a Blackberry and a cell phone. Blackberry A brand of handheld
I want to buy a Blackberry. Iphone A brand of phone
Iphones are great. Electronic devise An electronic tool like a mobile phone
They have a budget to buy electronic devises such as Blackberries. Prepaid Paid before (usually with a card)
They bought prepaid phonecards. Pay as you go To pay ahead of time (like prepaid)
She bought a pay as you go phone. Texting To send a text (usually through a phone)
She does a lot of texting. Instant message To chat (usually on a computer)
I use instant messaging to stay in touch with the office.

Ring tones To have a choice of sounds available for your phone
Special sounds for your phone when it rings are ring tones. Battery Electric source for a cell phone
Their batteries only last 10 hours. Then they die. Cigarette lighter socket Used in a car to recharge batteries
He uses his cigarette lighter to charge his battery. MP3 A sound file (usually smaller than normal files)
He uses MP3s to listen to music. Bluetooth A means of wireless communication or technology
My phone has Bluetooth. I can transfer my address book. International roaming To be able to access in other countries
I pay high international roaming fees. They are really expensive in Asia. Infrared A form of wireless communication (a special frequency)
There is an infrared connection. My printer can be set up with it. Antennas A physical reception devise
My cell has an antenna. Cell sites The area of broadcasting for cell phones
They are building a cell network in the village where I have my country home. Satellite A spacecraft that can be used for cell phones
I have a satellite connection for my phone. Coverage The area in which the cell phones work
We have good cell coverage in the area. Voice recognition To talk into a devise and it recognizes your words
My computer has voice recognition.

Technique builders (Dozens Hundreds Thousands Millions Billions are plural otherwise singular)
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