Lesson 33: Customer Service


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Support To help
The support team at the IT company is very good.
Follow up To check after
They have to follow up on support.
After sales The services given after the sale is done
The after sales support at Volkswagen is good.
Client service Product support
The client service at the group is good.
24/7 All day
They have 24/7 support.
Hotline Usually a phone number for help
The hotline is 24/7.
Help desk A group organized to help clients (usually an office)
The help desk support is good.
Guarantee A promise of service
They offer a 10 year guarantee.
Assurance To promise
We assured the client with a money back guarantee.
Pledge A sincere promise
The company pledged a superior service.
Warranty Like a guarantee (a contract)
The car has a 2 year warranty.
Technical support Practical help
They offer technical support.

Money back To return money
They offer a money back guarantee
Customer People who buy your product
The customers are happy with the service.
Customer service Helping the customer
The customer service is great.
Client Like a customer (usually for a more sophisticated transaction)
The clients are satisfied. They have bought the services we are offering.
Consumer The end buyer
They have consumers around the world.
Product specs Defining the product through numbers
The product specs said it would last a long time.
International support Support in more than one country
They offer international support.
National support Help in the country
The competition only has national support.
Defect Not working properly
The defect was important.
Returns Defective products / Results
They had to deal with the returns. There was a serious product defect.

Technique builders (130,000 one hundred and thirty thousand)
125,000 232,000 335,000 698,000 569,000 799,000 999,000 818,000 440,000 616,000