Lesson 37: Restaurants


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

(of) A group of people for a lunch or dinner
I think there will be a party of seven for dinner tonight.
Menu: The document with the list of things to eat and drink
Do you have a menu in English?
Starter: Something to begin a meal
The starter was smoked salmon.
Dish: A plate of food
What is the main dish today?
Set menu: A menu that doesn't change
This restaurant has a set menu so we only serve one dish.
Drinks menu: A menu specific for drinks
Can you give me the drinks menu so I can choose some wine?
Today's special: The special offer of the day
Today's special is steak, fries, and salad.
Specials: General specials in a restaurant
Our special at the restaurant is lobster.
Setting: A seat at the table with everything necessary to eat
There were 10 settings at the table.
Cutlery: Forks spoons and knives
For every setting you must have cutlery and a plate.
Napkin: Used to protect clothes
For every setting you must have one napkin.
A serviette: Used to protect you from food that you might spill
I need a serviette when I eat chicken.
Starter: The first dish such as soup or salad
We are having soup and bread for a starter.
Main course: The principal dish such as meat fish or chicken
The main course at the restaurant is chicken.

Side dish: An extra order of food on the side such as French fries
Can I get a side order of salad with the meal?
Dessert: Ice cream, pies, and cakes are desserts
Do you have a dessert menu?
Vegetarian: People who do not eat meat
Are there any vegetarian dishes on the menu?
Tip: Extra money you give to a waiter or waitress if they do a good job
How much do you usually give for a tip at this restaurant? 20%?
Chicken: Food like chicken breasts chicken legs etc…
There is chicken on the menu.
Beef: Food like steaks hamburgers etc…
There is beef for the daily special.
Fish: Food like salmon, trout
Do you like fish?
Shell fish: Food such as oysters mussels etc…
I love to eat shellfish.
Waiter, waitress: People who help you when you go to a restaurant
The waitress was really good at the restaurant.
Pastry (pastries): A sweet desert
I had an apple pastry for dessert at the restaurant.
Ice cream: A milk dessert
We had chocolate ice cream last week. It was so hot.

Things a waitress can say to you.
Can I take your order?
What would you like to drink with your lunch?
Would you like today’s special?
Do you need a menu?
Would you like the bill?