Lesson 38: Retail


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Interest Curiosity in someone or something
Are you interested in buying something?
Store hours When a store or boutique is open
What are your store hours? 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.?
Cashier (cash) Where you pay for an item
You can pay at the cashier (cash). They take credit cards.
Item Something you sell in a boutique or a store
We have many items in our store.
Store front Display in front of a store (sometimes the front window)
Did you see the promotion in the store front?
Display To show products you would like to sell
There is a display of the new product at the entrance.
Window display The windows at the store front
The shoe store has the new product launch in the window display.
Promotion A good deal
Did you see the promotion in the store yesterday? They had some great deals.
Sale Like a promotion
Do you have anything on sale?
Boxing Day The 26th of December (when things are on sale, like the day after Christmas - US)
Did you get any deals on Boxing Day? Yes, we got 50% off the new product.
Shop lifting To steal
She was caught shop lifting. The police came to get her.
Brand A name associated with a product
Brand products that are well known.
Discount A reduced price
They got a great deal with the discount.
Coupon A document for a reduction in cost when you purchase
Do you have any coupons for that brand? Yes, I found some online.
Shelf / Shelves (pl) Where you put the objects for display
Yes, it's over there on the second shelf.
Aisle Walking space between shelves (a passage)
You can find the item on aisle three.
Receipt A document used for proof of purchase
You will need a receipt if you want to return your item.

Open / Close When the store opens and closes (9 to 5)
When does the store open and when does it close?
Cheap / Expensive It costs a lot – cheap / It cost a little - expensive
Is the new brand expensive or cheap?
Cost How much to pay
How much does it cost? It looks expensive.
Price The cost
That is a really good price.
Duty free A store or system where you can get an item without tax
Is there duty free in the airport?
Tax reduction Tax savings
We have tax reductions if you are travelling from the USA.
Tax Credit Tax you can reclaim
We will give you a tax credit.
Sales tax Added amount for the government
What is the sales tax?
VAT Value Added Tax (European sales tax)
VAT is different in each country in Europe.
In stock / Out of stock If an item is available it is in stock / or out of stock if it is not
I am so sorry we are out of stock. Can you return next week?
Returns An item you bring back (usually in the plural form – returns)
Do you accept returns?
Refund To give money back
Do you refund items?
PIN Personal Identity Number
Can you put in your PIN number?
Swipe To put your credit card or bank card in the system
Can you swipe your card and put in your PIN?

Technique builders
Sentences used when shopping in a store.
Hello, can I help you? / I am looking for... / OK? perfect we have exactly what you are looking for. / How much? / How much is the sales tax? / We open at 9 a.m. / We are closing. / We close at 7 p.m.. / Do you have other colors? / Do you have a guarantee? / Are you looking for something special? / Do you have any other brands? / Do you have anything cheaper? /
I would like to return this product. / Would you like to pay with cash or by credit card? / Please swipe your card. / Thank you for your visit today.