Lesson 5: Commuting


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Commute Trip to work
I commute everyday to work by car.
Commuter A person who travels to work everyday
I am a commuter. I take the train to work everyday.
Traffic Excessive amount of movement of people at one moment
There is a lot of traffic this week.
Rush hour The point of maximum traffic for people going to work
I go to work in rush hour every day.
Downtown The center of the city
I work downtown.
Commuter train A train for people going to work
I take a commuter train to downtown.
Subway American word for underground transportation
There is a subway stop near my office.
Metro Subway in Washington and Montreal
Do you take the metro ?
Tube British word for subway
You can take the tube from downtown to Heathrow airport.
I-95 / I-5 Names for US interstate highways.
The I-95 goes from Miami to Boston. The I-5 from Vancouver to Mexico.
M15 British Highways.
The M15 is in England.
Share ride To have more than one passenger in a car
I use share ride to get to work.
Car pool To have a group of people sharing a car
There is a car pool to pick up the kids after school.
Traffic report Radio updates for traffic
I listen to the traffic report before going to work.

Bumper Front and back of a car to protect against collision
I damaged my bumper in an accident.
Bumper to bumper Very busy highway traffic
There was bumper to bumper traffic today.
Train schedule The schedule for commuter trains
The train schedules are posted on the net.
Suburbs Communities outside of the city
The suburbs of New York are huge.
Telecommuting Working from home
I do telecommuting.
Traffic congestion Busy traffic
The traffic congestion is bad in Shanghai in the morning.
Modes of transport Ways to move
There are several modes of transport to work.
Beltway Road around a city (USA)
I use the beltway to get to work.
Ring road Like a beltway (UK)
The ring road goes around London.
Sky Train An elevated subway transit system.
I take the sky train to work sometimes.
Unbearable Hard to tolerate
The traffic is unbearable