Lesson 6: Letters


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Stamps Payment for letters
Do you have any stamps for the mail?
Postage Payment for delivery
The postage was paid by the receiver.
Envelope A packet for a letter
The letter was in the envelop.
Letters Correspondence
The letter arrived.
Mail Post
The mail arrived at 9 am.
Letter of recommendation A letter to refer someone
He got a letter of recommendation from his boss when leaving.
Letter of introduction A letter of reference
The intern asked for a letter of introduction.
Post office Where the mail is handled
The post office closes at 5 pm.
Registered letter A letter that requires a signature
The registered letter was from the tax office.
Mailroom Where the mail arrives in a company
The mailroom gets all the letters out by 11 am.
Inbox Where the mail is found
The inbox was full.
Draft The first copy
He wrote a first draft for the contract.
CC When someone is copied in a letter
He CCed his boss with a copy of the letter.

Attache de press The person responsible for press communications
The attache de press sent the announcement out.
Communique A formal announcement
The communique was a formal introduction for the new CEO.
Word processor Software to write a letter
I use a word processor when writing letters.
Letter of resignation A letter saying you quit
He submitted his letter of resignation.
A letter of credit A letter guaranteeing a payment
The bank asked for a letter of credit.
Parcels A box used for mail
They put the merchandise in the parcel.
Junk mail Mail that was not requested
I get junk mail everyday.
Cover letters Letter used with CVs
He forgot to send his cover letter with his CV.
Level Flat
The table is not level. A pen will roll down it.
Field An open space
The field is used for sports.
Jump To hop, to leap
They jumped into the air.
Gun An arm, a fire arm
The policeman has a gun.
Pin A tool used to attach two pieces of materiel
He needed a pin to fix the button.

Technique builders Numbers
123,126 256,965 569,896 987,369 789,556 225,336 596,889 369,569 698 ,236 765,569 25% 33.2% 256% 56.236%