Lesson 7: Vacations


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

Holiday To take time off from work
We leave on holiday tomorrow.
Travel Journey, voyage, trek (remember travel is only a verb. You cannot say a travel)
They are traveling by car.
Trip Tour, excursion, expedition
The trip is five hours.
Vacation Trip holiday retreat
I have a vacation next month.
Break To stop
We have to take a break next week.
Escape To run off
I have to escape the office for a vacation soon. I am exhausted.
Get away To go elsewhere
I am going on a get away. I am going on a romantic trip with my wife to Asia.
Retreat A place to go to get away
I have to go on a retreat soon.
Leave To go
We have to leave by 9 AM to catch the flight.
Bank holiday Official holiday
Next week there is a bank holiday.
Spring Break Holiday during the spring
What are you doing for spring break?
Summer holiday Holiday during the summer
They are going to Paris for a summer holiday.

Resort A place to go for holidays
I want to go to a resort for a holiday.
Inn A hotel
There is an inn just down the highway.
Motel Like a hotel
Do you prefer motels or hotels?
Bed and breakfast A holiday place with breakfast included and usually in people’s homes
Have you ever stayed in a bed and breakfast?
Points Rewards for flying
I have enough points for a trip.
To fly on points To go away
Are you flying on points?
Bumped up To be moved to a superior class
I got bumped up on the trip from Chicago to business class.
Flight To go on a plane
When is the flight?
Jaunt A trip
I went on a jaunt to Mexico.
Train Means of transport
The train was late.
Bus Motor vehicle
The bus trip was lovely.

Technique builders Women’s names
Jane, Janet, Allison, Rachel, Sandy, Sarah, Amy, Jessica, Lucy, Kate, Charlotte, Ella, Nicole, Louise, Laura, Jasmine, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Alice, Anna, Brooke, Zara, Evelyn.