Lesson 8: Team Spirit


Vocabulary Builders:
Listen & Read:

High performance To be dynamic
He has a high performance car.
Team Spirit To have a good group dynamic
The team spirit in the company is good.
Vision To see the future
The new CEO has a great vision.
Improvement To make better
They must improve their capacity.
Enthusiasm To work in a dynamic style
The new manager has a lot of enthusiasm.
Interdependence To have dependence on one another
The team members have a lot of interdependence.
Team development To create a good group dynamic
They have to do a lot of team development.
Patterns The relationship in an activity
The patterns in the project were good.
Contribution To give
They have to contribute to the project to work.
Facilitating To help work
The coach must facilitate the meeting.
Models To have a previous reference
She works with a model to help develop her ideas.
Enhancement To make better
They have to enhance the results.
Resolution To fix
The situation was not resolved at all.

Effectiveness To have a good impact
The effectiveness of the situation demonstrated the capacity of the management.
Manifesting To make grow
The team spirit was manifested in the situation.
Performance The presentation or the show
The performance of the team was impressive.
Cultivating The help grow
The management wanted to cultivate a good team spirit.
Pounds/Pence British currency
I have ten pounds twenty five pence on me.
Cents Dollars and Euros subdivision
A phone call costs fifty five cents.
Yen Japanese currency
The Yen is a strong currency.

Technique builders Numbers Remember Dollars Cents / Pounds Pence / Yen
.23¢ .56¢ .98¢ .99¢ $2 €36 £20 ¥165 €369 £897 $9.65 ¥7.89 £3.68 $369.56 €589.25 ¥698.75 $1,259.45 €9,589.23 £6,897.89 $25,899.23 €99,988.98 £69,886.89 $567,222.33 €988,999.44 £322,222.89 ¥612,568.65