Warm Up


Warm ups
e g j i x w y z
Numbers Teens 13 30 14 40 15 50 16 60 17 70 18 80 19 90
Months of the year backwards December November October September August July June May April March February January
Days of the week backwards Sunday Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday
Years 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
(Remember half past, a quarter past and a quarter to)
1PM 5PM 3:15 4:15 5:30 6:30 7:45 8:45 9:05 10:05 11:20 12:20 7AM 10AM
One Euro One Dollar One Pound
Currency $10 €15 £30 $40 £88

This week Irregular verbs and present continuous

Irregular verbs (These are all in the statement form) Remember since and, for, already, yet
Infinitive / Past Simple / Past participle

Present Continuous

become became become
She is becoming an expert.
begin began begun
Mike is beginning his studies.
break broke broken
They are breaking the rules.
build built built
He is building the solution.
buy bought bought
She is buying a new computer.
come came come
You are coming to work.
choose chose chosen
You are choosing the solution.
cut cut cut
It is cutting the line.
do did done
I am doing the work.
eat ate eaten
She is eating lunch.
fly flew flown
We are flying to China.
go went gone
I am going to work.
get got gotten
Sally is getting the computer.
forget forgot forgotten
You are forgetting your irregular verbs.
give gave given
You are giving the presentation.
grow grew grown
They are growing the company.
have had had
He is having a good time.
hear heard heard
We are hearing the presentation.
hold held held
I am holding the document.
keep kept kept
She is keeping the results.
leave left left
You are leaving tomorrow.
learn learnt learnt
They are learning to understand.

make made made
They are making lunch.
pay paid paid
You are paying the bill.
put put put
I am putting my suit on.
read read read
She is reading the newspaper.
ride rode ridden
You are riding the metro.
run ran run
You are running to work.
see saw seen
They are seeing their boss.
say said said
They are saying something.
sell sold sold
He is selling his car.
show showed shown
You are showing the solution.
shut shut shut
He is shutting the door.
sleep slept slept
They are sleeping well.
spend spent spent
He is spending the money.
take took taken
It is taking a long time.
teach taught taught
I am teaching him.
tell told told
It is telling us something.
think thought thought
We are thinking about it.
wake woke woken
I am waking up.
win won won
She is winning the game.
write wrote written
We are writing the report.
Lead led led
We will have led them in the right way.