Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
The alphabet
q p z x i i e e j j g g @ . : / / www.yahoo.com/english http://www.google.com
Numbers Teens
13 30 14 40 15 50 16 60 17 70 18 80 19 90 113 130 914 940 515 550 316 360 617 670 218 280 719 790
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2020 2025 2030 1990 1991 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008
Time (Remember half past, a quarter past / a quarter after and a quarter to)
3PM 4PM 7AM 10AM 11:05 4:02 5:06 9:15 11:15 12:30 3:30 5:45 8:45
One Euro One Dollar One Pound €1.25 £2.35 $15.50 €16.60 $70.17 £3.98
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Saturday 1:45 Tuesday 3:30 Thursday 10:15 Wednesday 8:45 Monday 5:15 Friday 7:30
June 18, 2006
August 22, 1990
December 31, 2013
September 24, 2014
May 19, 2008
March 30, 2020
November 21, 2050

This week's grammar point

This week's grammar point Past Simple (irregular verbs) Remember did not contracted = didn't

be was been
He was in the office yesterday.
Was he at home?
Jack was not (wasn’t) home.
become became become
Jack became boss last week.
Did I become boss?
I did not (didn’t) become boss.
begin began begun
Sally began the new project yesterday.
Did you begin your studies?
You did not (didn’t) begin your studies.
break broke broken
My computer broke this morning.
Did he break the car?
He did not (didn’t) break the door.
build built built
They built the internet site.
Did she build the program?
She did not (didn’t) build the solution.
buy bought bought
We bought some new clothes on the trip.
Did he buy the car?
We did not (didn’t) buy a car.
come came come
They came to the office yesterday.
Did they come to our house?
My boss did not (didn’t) come yesterday.
choose chose chosen
Paul chose to stay at the office (at the meeting yesterday)
Did you choose to leave?
They did not (didn’t) choose the color.
Drive Drove Driven
He drove to the golf course.
He did not drive to work.
Did they drive to the conference?
cut cut cut
Did I cut the bread?
I did not (didn’t) cut my hair.
Did they cut expenses?
do did done
They did some work for the client last year.
Did you do your work?
You did not (didn’t) do the program.
eat ate eaten
She ate with colleagues yesterday.
Did he eat at the restaurant?
He did not (didn’t) eat lunch.
fly flew flown
You flew to Canada last week.
Did she fly to New York?
She did not (didn’t) fly to China.
go went gone
I went to the office.
Did it go wrong?
The team did not (didn’t) go to Asia.
get got gotten
I got your email.
Did we get the news?
We did not (didn’t) get the document.
forget forgot forgotten
I forgot my keys.
Did they forget the report?
They did not (didn’t) forget to phone.
give gave given
She gave him the document.
Did the department give an answer?
Mike did not (didn’t) give an answer.
grow grew grown
The company grew.
Did your company grow in last year?
Janet did not (didn’t) grow her hair.
have had had
I had a good day.
Did you have a good day?
The team did not (didn’t) have a bad day.
hear heard heard
We heard they are a great company.
Did you hear about the project?
My coach did not (didn’t) hear my question.
hold held held
I held my keys.
Did he hold the document?
My colleague did not (didn’t) hold a meeting.
keep kept kept
Paul kept the report.
Did she keep the report?
Alex did not (didn’t) keep the CD.
Lead led led
Paul led the team.
Did he lead the project?
She did not (didn't) lead well.
know knew known
She knew her.
Did she know about it?
Jill did not (didn’t) know.

leave left left
He left at 6PM.
Did we leave on time?
Stan did not (didn’t) leave.
learn learnt learnt
I learnt English in school.
Did they learn the program?
I did not (didn’t) learn.
make made made
I made the decision.
Did the boss make the decision?
You did not (didn’t) make dinner.
mistake mistook mistaken
She mistook the time for the meeting yesterday.
Did I mistake you?
He did not (didn’t) mistake the time.
pay paid paid
You paid the bill in June.
Did you pay for lunch?
She did not (didn’t) pay the tip.
put put put
They put the new program on the computer.
Did he put the site up?
The assistant did not (didn’t) put the letters away.
read read read
You read the report on the train.
Did you read the newspaper?
She did not (didn’t) read the instructions.
ride rode ridden
I rode my bike.
Did she ride to work?
The boss did not (didn’t) ride by bus.
run ran run
I ran to the car.
Did we run the program?
We did not (didn’t) run to the bus.
see saw seen
I saw the new client last week.
Did they see the news?
You did not (didn’t) see him?
say said said
John said it was great.
Did you say anything?
They did not (didn’t) say anything.
sell sold sold
I sold the project.
Did Jack sell the solution?
I did not (didn’t) sell the extras.
show showed shown
I showed him how it works.
Did I show you?
You did not (didn’t) show him.
shut shut shut
He shut the door.
Did you shut the door?
He did not (didn’t) shut the computer down.
sleep slept slept
I slept well last night.
Did he sleep well?
He did not (didn’t) sleep well.
spend spent spent
We spent a lot of money.
Did she spent any money?
She did not (didn’t) spend any money.
speak spoke spoken
I spoke at the conference.
Did she speak to Jane?
You did not speak last week.
take took taken
He took a break.
Did we take a break?
It did not (didn’t) take long.
teach taught taught
He taught English.
Did they teach Chinese?
We did not (didn’t) teach computers.
tell told told
I told him it was good.
Did they tell you?
You did not (didn’t) tell them.
think thought thought
I thought we were finished.
Did you think about it?
They did not (didn’t) think about it.
wake woke woken
I woke up early.
Did they wake up?
I did not (didn’t) wake up on time.
win won won
We won the contract.
Did I win?
You did not (didn’t) win the lotto.
write wrote written
I wrote the report.
Did you write the program?
He did not (didn’t) write the email.