Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
e g j i x w y z @ .
Numbers hundreds
100 110 122 133 144 155 166 177 188 199
10% 21% 32% 45% 56% 67% 78% 89% 99% 100% 110 % 1000%
1999 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2020
8:15 10:15 12:30 3:30 5:45 8:45 9:05 10:05 11:20 12:20 Noon Midday Lunch Dinner Breakfast Supper
$13 €15 £50 $16 €60 £66
Time (Remember that you use AM and PM when the time of day is not obvious)
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Saturday 7:45 PM
Thursday 6:15 AM
Monday 3:15 PM
Wednesday 2:45 AM
Friday 9:30 PM
April 16, 2020
January 3, 2009
July 22, 1994
October 28, 2012
February 16, 2015
Japan .jp, Italy .it, China .cn, Korea .kr , Canada .ca, USA .us, Commerce .com, France .fr, Belgium .be, Germany .de, England .co.uk, Europe .eu, Spain .es Australia .au
Country Person
They live in Australia / They are Australian / They speak English
We live in Austria / We are Austrian / We speak German
You live in Korea / You are Korean / You speak Korean
They live in Portugal / They are Portuguese / They speak Portuguese
Jack lives in Switzerland / He is Swiss / He speaks German
Mike lives in England / He is English / He speaks English
Better I am better than him.
Worse I am worse than her.
Faster I am faster than her.
Slower I am slower than him.
More/Less interesting She is more interesting than him.
More/Less complex That program is less complex than the other.
More/Less competitive They are more competitive than we are.

This week's grammar point

This week’s grammar point using do does and don’t doesn’t

Do I need your help?
Do you work at the head office?
Does he go to Madrid every quarter?
She does go on a trip every summer.
It doesn’t belong to the boss.
We don’t visit head office often.
You don’t go on business trips do you?
Do they do the meetings every month?

The company does do the project every year.
The team doesn’t do new projects often.
Doesn’t the group meet weekly?
Don’t the employees eat at the restaurant?
Does the department get good results?
Do Steve and his friends meet up a lot?
Doesn’t Jack work with the support team?
Don’t they do the job well?