Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
1.2 3.5 6.68 4.98 5.39 9.896 7.5698
$125.65 €956.36 £562.89 $715.25 €269.85 £125.13
4:35 5:35 6:40 7:40 8:45 9:45 10:50 11:50 12:55 1:55
First Names Female
Ann, Jane, Janet, Allison, Rachel, Sandy, Sarah, Amy, Jessica, Lucy, Kate, Charlotte, Ella, Nicole, Cathy, Louise, Laura, Jasmine, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Alice, Anna, Brooke, Zara, Evelyn.
The best I am the best in my class.
The worst I am the worst tennis player.
Fastest I am the fastest to work in the morning.
Slowest I am the slowest at work.
The most/Least interesting That was the least interesting presentation./That was the most interesting presentation.
The most/Least complex That is the most complex project I have done. / That is the least complex project I have done.
The most/Least competitive. They are the least competitive company we know. / They are the most competitive company we know.

This week's grammar point

This weeks grammar point past simple irregular verbs.

be was been
He was in the office yesterday.
Was he at home?
become became become
Jack became boss last week.
Did I become interested?
begin began begun
Sally began the new project yesterday.
Did you begin to learn English when you were young?
break broke broken
My computer broke this morning.
He did not (didn’t) break the door.
build built built
They built the internet site.
Did she build the program?
buy bought bought
We bought some new clothes on the trip.
Did he buy the car?
come came come
They came to the office yesterday.
Did you come to the office yesterday?
choose chose chosen
Paul chose to stay at the office.
They did not (didn’t) choose the color.
drive drove driven
He drove to the golf course.
Didn’t he drive to work?
cut cut cut
The office cut the expenses last year.
Did I cut the bread?
do did done
They did some work for the client last year.
Did you do your work?

eat ate eaten
She ate with colleagues yesterday.
He did not (didn’t) eat lunch.
fly flew flown
You flew to Canada last week.
She did not (didn’t) fly to head office.
go went gone
I went to the office.
The team did not (didn’t) go to Asia.
get got gotten
I got your email.
We did not (didn’t) get the document.
forget forgot forgotten
I forgot my keys.
Did they forget the report?
give gave given
She gave him the document.
Did the department give an answer?
grow grew grown
The company grew.
Janet did not (didn’t) grow her hair.
have had had
I had a good day.
The team did not (didn’t) have a bad day.
hear heard heard
We heard they are a great company.
Did you hear about the project?
hold held held
I held my keys.
Did he hold the document?
keep kept kept
Paul kept the report.
Alex did not (didn’t) keep the CD.
know knew known
She knew her.
Jill did not (didn’t) know.