Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
The alphabet
(colon : , semi-colon ; , slash /, dot . , dash - , at @ , underscore _ , plus + , times * , divided by /, question mark ? , exclamation mark ! ) e g j i x w y z @ .
Numbers Teens
13 30 14 40 15 50 16 60 17 70 18 80 19 90
1st 2nd 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23d 30th 31st
1995 1999 2001 2002 2003 2009 2010 2020
Pounds Pence / Dollars Cents / Euros Cents
€1.25 £2.35 $15.50 €16.60 $70.17 £3.98
2PM 6PM noon midday midnight 7AM 10AM 3:22 4:16 5:34 6:56 7:41 8:22 9:08 10:44 11:56
August 22, 1990
December 31, 2013
September 24, 2014
May 19, 2008
March 30, 2020
November 21, 2050
I live in Sweden / I am Swedish / I speak Swedish
You live in Italy / You are Italian / You speak Italian
He lives in China / He is Chinese / He speaks Chinese
She lives in Japan / She is Japanese / She speaks Japanese
They live in Australia / They are Australian / They speak English
We live in Austria / We are Austrian / We speak German
You live in Korea / You are Korean / You speak Korean
They live in Portugal / They are Portuguese / They speak Portuguese

Grammar Point (This grammar point will be presented in more detail in the grammar)

This week's grammar point past continuous

be was been
You were being difficult during the meeting.
become became become
I was becoming better at Chinese.
begin began begun
The conference was beginning.
break broke broken
Was the CEO breaking the rules?
build built built
The manager was building the team.
buy bought bought
The assistant bought a new computer.
come came come
He wasn't coming to work.
choose chose chosen
You were choosing the best solution.
drive drove driven
Were you driving to work?
cut cut cut
I was cutting the budget.
do did done
They were doing the project.
eat ate eaten
You were not eating lunch?
fly flew flown
Wasn't he flying to Berlin?
go went gone
Were you getting your email?
get got gotten
I was getting your email.
forget forgot forgotten
The team was forgetting the answers.
give gave given
The boss wasn't giving a speech.
grow grew grown
The department wasn't growing.
have had had
Was the computer having problems?
hear heard heard
Weren't they hearing the presentation?
hold held held
Were you holding the CD?
keep kept kept
You were keeping the meeting going.
leave left left
He was leaving early.
learn learnt learnt
She was not learning the program.

make made made
He wasn't making any decisions.
pay paid paid
Wasn't he paying the bill?
put put put
They were putting the program on the computer.
read read read
You were not reading the newspaper.
ride rode ridden
We weren't riding the subway.
run ran run
It wasn't running well.
see saw seen
She was seeing the doctor the next day.
say said said
He was saying hello.
sell sold sold
You were selling the car.
show showed shown
I wasn't showing him.
shut shut shut
The colleague was shutting the door.
sleep slept slept
The team was sleeping in the hotel.
spend spent spent
The team was spending the budget.
speak spoke spoken
The director was speaking at the conference.
steal stole stolen
The organizer was stealing some time.
take took taken
Were they taking their time?
teach taught taught
You weren't teaching them.
tell told told
We were telling them.
think thought thought
It wasn”t thinking about it.
wake woke woken
Was he waking up early?
win won won
He was winning the contract.
write wrote written
You weren't writing anything.
talk talked talked
I was talking at the conference.
walk walked walked
Were they walking to work?