Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
The alphabet
t p i o u l e i g j @ . , : ; / ! ? . www.msn.com/business!
Numbers Teens
13 30 14 40 15 50 16 60 17 70 18 80 19 90
Numbers Hundreds
364 965 826 755 352 513 214 611 281
1995 1999 2001 2002 2003 2009 2010 2020
Time (Remember half past, a quarter past / a quarter after and a quarter to)
3:20 4:20 5:35 6:50 7:55 8:22 9:33 10:44 11:56 noon midday midnight
Pounds Pence / Dollars Cents / Euros Cents
One Euro One Dollar One Pound €1.25 £2.35 $15.50 €16.60 $70.17 £3.98
Sunday evening, Monday noon, Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday later in the day, Friday earlier, The day before yesterday, The day after tomorrow, In a week, A week ago, In a few weeks, A few weeks back
Jan 12, 2012
October 29, 2010
Feb 29, 2011
July 28, 1999
April 15, 2020
June 2, 2006
I live in France / I am French / I speak French
You live in Spain / You are Spanish / You speak Spanish
He lives in Holland / He is Dutch / He speaks Dutch
She lives in Germany / She is German / She speaks German
Obama lives in the USA / He is American / He speaks English
We live in Canada / We are Canadian / We speak English
You live in Tunisia / You are Tunisian / You speak Arabic
They live in Norway / They are Norwegian / They speak Norwegian

Grammar Point (This grammar point will be presented in more detail in the grammar point Friday)

This week's grammar point future with will and going to

be was been
I will be at work next week.
become became become
You'll not become the new president.
begin began begun
He is going to begin his new job.
break broke broken
She'll break her computer.
build built built
Jane won't build the site.
buy bought bought
It will not buy a new car.
come came come
Will he come to the office next week?
choose chose chosen
Will you choose a new job?
drive drove driven
Won't they drive to the office?
cut cut cut
I'll cut costs.
do did done
You will do my presentation.
eat ate eaten
He'll not eat lunch with us.
fly flew flown
She will fly to Rio next week.
go went gone
Will it go in the garbage if we cannot fix it?
get got gotten
We will get it fixed.
forget forgot forgotten
You will not forget to sent the email.
give gave given
They will not give an answer.
grow grew grown
Is the company going to grow?
have had had
The boss is going to have an answer.
hear heard heard
They are going to hear the presentation.
hold held held
The department will hold a meeting.
keep kept kept
My colleague won't keep the document.
know knew known
Will the team know about the meeting?
leave left left
Will the new employee leave the company?
learn learnt learnt
The team is going to learn the program.

make made made
I am going to make the decision.
mistake mistook mistaken
Are you going to mistake the time for the meeting?
pay paid paid
He will pay.
put put put
She will put the the keys on the desk.
read read read
The sales representative won't read the contract.
ride rode ridden
We are going to ride to work.
run ran run
Are they going to run the program.
see saw seen
You are not going to see my colleague.
say said said
I'll say hello.
sell sold sold
You won't sell the product.
show showed shown
I will show him.
shut shut shut
They are going to shut the door.
sleep slept slept
You aren't going to sleep at the hotel.
spend spent spent
Are you going to spend any money?
speak spoke spoken
Will she speak at the conference?
steal stole stolen
She isn't going to steel company secrets.
take took taken
It will take some time.
teach taught taught
Will we teach him?
tell told told
You won't tell her.
think thought thought
Are they going to think about it? wake woke woken
I am going to wake up late.
win won won
Will he win?
write wrote written
Will she write?
lead led led
It'll not lead.