Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
p u o I s t r u c @ . - _ ` ” ”
Numbers thousands
1,234 9,919 5,818 6,717 2,110 3,515
10% 21% 32% 45% 56% 67% 78% 89% 99% 100% 110% 1000%
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060
8:35 10:35 12:20 3:20 5:50 8:50 9:05 10:05 Noon Midday Lunch Dinner Breakfast Supper
$22 €29 £88 $33 €60 £52
Sunday evening, Monday noon, Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday later in the day, Friday earlier, The day before yesterday, The day after tomorrow, In a week, A week ago, In a few weeks, A few weeks back
March 13, 2023
December 14, 2010
June 1, 2011
May 2, 2002
September 13, 2025
November 21, 1998
August 31, 1992
Though Though I do not think it is a great idea, I think we should try.
Through Did you go through the training?
Thought I thought you were finished.
Thorough We have to prepare a thorough report.
Tough It is tough to work in finance.

Grammar Point (This grammar point will be presented in more detail in the grammar point Friday)

This week’s grammar point Superlatives

I did the best I could.
You work for the worst office.
He has the greatest job in Brazil.
She is the most experienced for the trip.
Brian is the fastest to work in the morning.
We are the slowest team at head office.
You had the nicest business trip last month.
They are the furthest from the office.

That company has the smartest people.
His team is the dumbest.
Their group was the most interesting in the meeting.
That employee was the least capable of understanding.
The department had the most difficult tasks to do.
Steve is the least friendly in the office.
Is Jack the most spectacular boss in the company?
Isn’t Jane the least comprehensible when she speaks?