Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
The alphabet
(colon : , slash /, dot . , dash - , at @ , underscore _ ) [email protected] [email protected]
Numbers Teens
13 30 14 40 15 50 16 60 17 70 18 80 19 90
Numbers Thousands
1,234 9,919 5,818 6,717 2,110 3,515
1999 2005 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Pounds Pence / Dollars Cents / Euros Cents
Currency $125.22 €113.36 £314.56 $715.96 €988.66 £525.44
Sunday evening, Monday noon, Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday later in the day, Friday earlier, The day before yesterday, The day after tomorrow, In a week, A week ago, In a few weeks, A few weeks back
Special Vocabulary
My manager is Mike.
I work in the finance department.
There are twenty employees.
The CEO is an important woman.
They have a VAT tax in the UK.
They have good benefits. A company car, business class travel, and bonuses.
The profits are increasing.
She is smart. She got good results at work.
Lay off
They laid off the staff after the bad year.
He got fired after the mistake.
He resigned because he got a better offer.
A loan
The bank loaned the money for a house.
To borrow
He borrowed money for a car.
The project is complete. (finished)
The parking lot is full.

Grammar Point (This grammar point will be presented in more detail in the grammar point Friday)

This week's grammar point conjunctions: nevertheless however otherwise therefore besides

We will verify the entire project nevertheless we have to be ready for errors.
We want to use a wifi connection however we must check it.
We’d better finish the project on time otherwise we could loose the contract.
We are an IT company therefore we work with computers.
We have a new computer besides we can always use the laptops in case.
You can send email using CC therefore you can send it to several people.
We have new software however it is not installed.
Our company does IT nevertheless we do not work with the internet.
I have to finish the report besides we have to present it.
We should complete the presentation otherwise we will be late.

I am the boss therefore I make the decisions.
I am ready however I am late.
I like to speak English besides it is good for my career progress.
We should call the client otherwise they will think that we do not care.
The company is doing well nevertheless they should make more of an effort.
I want to see the client however they are out this week.
We’d better check for the problem otherwise we risk a serious problem.
I think therefore I am.
We should get together besides I want you to meet the new team member.
We are ready nevertheless we can always prepare more.