Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
p d t y w z semi-colon ; , slash /, dot . , dash - , at @ , underscore _ , plus + , times * , divided by /, question mark ? , exclamation mark !
Numbers Thousands
1,000 2,000 3,000 … 10,000
1999 2000 2001 2002 2009 2010 2011
$40 €90 £79 $43 €62 £15
yesterday evening, today at noon, this morning, tomorrow afternoon, later in the day, yesterday earlier, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, In a week, a week ago
August 14, 1992
April 17, 2002
February 19, 2019
June 1, 2031
May 21, 2011
Agreement: each, every, all, many, no one
Each one is important / Each day we approach the deadline. / Each project counts.
Every person is involved. / Every email is on the computer. / Is every employee here?
Are all the steps defined? / All the team is ready. / All the teams are ready.
No one wants to go. / Is no one in the office? / No one knows what to do.
Prepositions beside behind over
They are beside the bank. / He is beside the elevator./ The office is beside the subway.
We are behind the post office. / It is behind the car. / We are behind schedule.
We are over the store./ He is over the stress for the project./ The boss is over there.
Vocabulary Sentences for presentations (Use these sentences for your presentations)
The title of this presentation is building a great team.
The first slide explores the idea of evaluating team members.
Following this, we look at the objectives of the group.
The next slide investigates the opportunities.
Later we examine the strengths of the members.
Finally we consider the weaknesses.
In conclusion, we consider recommendations.
Using the future with present continuous.
I am leaving tomorrow.
You are meeting the client next week.
Jack is going away next week.
Is Jill presenting at 2PM?
It is starting soon.
The client is deciding on the project later today.
You are eating with clients soon.
They are not leaving are they?
Aren’t we going?
Is she not travelling next week?
Am I not deciding later tomorrow?