Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
Internet addresses
www.gmail.com www.un.org http://www.hotmail.com/inbox
½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞
6.2 8.51 19.68 52.98 5.396 41.896 35.5698
$125.65 €956.36 £562.89 $715.25 €269.85 £125.13
Red green blue yellow purple orange white black grey pink beige brown gold silver.
Sunday evening, Monday noon, Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday later in the day, Friday earlier, The day before yesterday, The day after tomorrow, In a week, A week ago, In a few weeks, A few weeks back
It'll It'll take time.
I've I've been busy.
You've You've seen the results.
He's He’s happy with the project.
She's She’s seen the report.
It's It’s not ready yet.
We've We've got to find out.
You've You’ve been in the city.
They've They've not seen the boss.
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language
i.e. For Example
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
Kg Kilogram
FYI For Your Information
Lb Pound (weight)
AGM Annual General Meeting
ASAP As Soon As Possible

Grammar Point (This grammar point will be presented in more detail in the grammar point Friday)

This week’s grammar point: The first conditional.

I will go to London, if you prepare the report.
If I see the client, I will say hello.
You won’t want to try it, if you don’t see it.
If you don’t go, the project will not succeed.
Peter won’t come, if you don’t let him.
Jane will be back, if she finishes the report.
The computer will work, if you plug it in.
John and I will be there, if we finish.
If the company isn’t ready, we will not use them.
You will be happy, if it works.
If Susan does the project, we will help her.
Jack and Steve will not join the team, if we ask.
If Janet arrives, I will tell you.

The department will grow, if we try.
We won’t be happy, if he is not here.
If it doesn’t work, we will let you know.
If you do the work, I will help.
If she is there, we will help.
I will not see the lawyers, if I have to.
If Jane tries, I will help.
I will go, if you think I should.
If the boss is good, he will support the team.
If you want, we will go.
If you think he will apply, we should ask him.
He will accept, if you ask.
She won’t try, if you don’t help.