Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
The alphabet
y r p g j x e w i b @ . , ! ?
2% 19% 90% 18% 80% 76% 17% 16% 60% 100% 110% 1000%
1.2 3.5 6.68 14.98 54.39 9.896 77.5698
1983 1997 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2020
10PM 7PM 3:15 4:15 5:30 6:30 7:45 8:45 8:55 10:55 11:40 12:40 10AM 11AM
First Names Male
Hugh, Sean, Shawn, Jack, Jimmy, Michael, Mike, Richard, Dick, William, Bill, Frank, Robert, Bob, Ian, Donald, Don, Roy, Jason, Ryan, Justin, Jerry, Gerald, Bruce, Howard, Victor, Norman, Glenn, Ricky, Barry, Gregg, Gordon, Sam, Harvey, Mathieu, Daryl, Perry, Kirk, Kurt, Blake, Grant, Ed, Burt, Toby, Terry.
I am better than him.
I am worse than her.
I am faster than her.
I am slower than him.
More/less interesting
She is more interesting than him. /She is less interesting than him.
More/less complex
That program is less complex than the other. /That program is more complex than the other.
More/less competitive
They are more competitive than we are. / They are less competitive than we are.
Above By Opposite
above the shelf / above the books / above the line / above board / by the door / by the office / by the building / by the way / opposite the office / opposite me in the plane / opposite the post office

Grammar Point (This grammar point will be presented in more detail in the grammar point Friday)

This week’s grammar point conditional two

If I had the time, I would go to Sydney.
He would see me if I were available.
If I were you, I would ask.
She would go if she could.
If it were acceptable, I would begin.
We would begin if we could.
If you were here, you would try?
They would begin if we let them.

If I were you, I would find out.
If you were me, would you go?
If she weren’t employed, she would try.
Would she try if she thought she would succeed?
Wouldn’t you go if you thought you could?
If the company were located here, would you apply?
If they weren’t available, I would try later.
Wouldn’t you like to see them if you could?