Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
(colon : , semi-colon ; , slash /, dot . , dash - , at @ , underscore _ , question mark ? , exclamation mark !)
ggiiouxzjj http:// www. .com .org ( ) (parenthesis, parentheses)
Big Numbers
100,000 200,000 ... 900,000 Dozens Thousands Millions Billions
1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 1920
11PM 2PM 4:15 5:15 7:30 9:30 11:45 12:45 1:05 2:05 3:20 4:20 8AM 1PM One in the morning. / Two in the afternoon.
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language
i.e. That is to say
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
e.g. For example
Kg Kilogram
FYI For Your Information
Lb Pound (weight)
AGM Annual General Meeting
ASAP As soon as possible
Jan 1, 2009
October 30, 2010
Feb 13, 2011
July 21, 1999
April 14, 2012
August 18, 2006
June 22, 1990
December 31, 2013
September 24, 2014
May 19, 2008
March 30, 2020
November 21, 2050
Using On at by (Prepositions)
I am on holiday. / I saw it on television. / I heard it on the radio. / The new product is on fire. / I saw it on the net.
I finished school at 21. / We met at school. / I saw him at the office. / At the moment I am busy.
By next year I will finish. / By the time I see you I will be done. / By the way how are you? / By year end it will be better.
To Go (Phrasal verb)
In up over with along to about away off on
I am going in the train. / I went up the elevator. / I have gone over the document already. / They’ve gone with the client to the meeting. / She went to the airport. / Jack was going about his business. / I am going away next week. / The presentation was going on in the other room. / The alarm went off.

Grammar Point (This grammar point will be presented in more detail in the grammar point Friday)

This week’s grammar point Either Neither

Either you stay or you leave.
Neither of them know.
You can either stay or go.
John has neither presentation ready.
Have you seen either of them?
I have neither of the contracts.
He hasn’t either of the answers.
Do they have neither of the keys?

Either will do.
Haven’t they seen either presentation?
Neither of my colleagues is ready.
I hope either answer is good.
Did they answer neither of the questions?
The client wants neither solution.
Have either of the students arrived?
Neither is acceptable?