Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
Alphabet letters
s q p o I I e e y t
999 864 745 699 581 462 342 265
25,100 56,500 69,800 87,900 98,300
Say number differently
Seventy six hundred 7,600
3,200 2,400 1,800 5,200 7,400 6,400
Complex numbers
Fraction ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞
Time (Reminder: a quarter past, a quarter after, a quarter to, half past)
You also say nine oh five (9:05) and two minutes to eight (7:58) and ten past or ten after two (2:10).
Remember AM is for morning and PM afternoon. You only use them when necessary.
8AM 7PM 12:30 11:20 10:10 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:30 5:20 Breakfast Lunch Snack Meal Dinner
$138.35 €365.96 £986.32 $486.17 €999.99 £586.69
Format Dates
July 31, 2021 July thirty first twenty twenty one (two thousand twenty one)
August 8, 2022 The eighth of August twenty twenty two (two thousand twenty two)
September 14, 2016 September fourteenth twenty sixteen (two thousand sixteen)
October 7, 2026 The seventh of October twenty twenty sixth (two thousand twenty six)
November 29, 2008 November twenty ninth two thousand eight
December 1, 2007 The first of December two thousand seven
For plus time. He worked for 2 hours.
During two actions at the same time. They worked during the holidays.
Answering machines.
You have reached the office of John Smith, please leave a message.
This is Karen please leave a message.
Hi I'm not in. I will be back at 2PM.
This is Janet's office. Leave a message.
Hi, I am out of the office now. I will be back at 2. Leave a message.
Obvious It is obvious.
Debt I have some debt.
It'll It’ll be ready.
Suit I am wearing a suit.
Suite I have a hotel suite reserved.
Skeptical She is very skeptical.
Schedule What is on your schedule today?
Guarantee Does the computer have a guarantee?
Phrasals To call
WhTo call back is to return a call. George will call back.
To call off is to cancel. You should call off the meeting.
To call on is to visit. Will you call on her?
To call over is to ask to come over. Brian called Simon over to his office.
Phrasals To call
To call back is to return a call. George will call back.
To call off is to cancel. You should call off the meeting.
To call on is to visit. Will you call on her?
To call over is to ask to come over. Brian called Simon over to his office.
Grammar Point Present Perfect Continuous
1) I have been trying for four years.
2) Hasn't the project been doing well?
3) Haven't the team members been doing the project?
4) Hasn't the weather been hot?
5) He has lots of money. He has been doing well.
6) You've been seeing your colleagues recently.
7) He 's not been coming to the office.
8) They have been having a good time on their vacation.
9) The new boss has not been having problems.
10) The products have been doing well.
11) Has the team not been doing its presentation?
12) She's been eating with her colleagues recently.
13) The cost of living has been growing steadily.
14) We've not been seeing the client.
15) Your passion has been playing the piano.
Last laugh
After overcoming obstacles and succeeding you can have the last laugh.
The competition had the last laugh when the project failed.
Labor of love
When you are doing work or tasks you love not considering the reward you can say it is a labor of love.
The project was a labor of love for her.
Made of money
If you have a lot of money people might say that you are made of money.
Jack said he was not made of money after he was asked to pay.