Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
Alphabet letters
w c v d b t r e _ . ( -
Numbers Dozens Thousands Millions Billions Trillions
7,600,000 8,300,000 9,400,000 13,100,000 16,200,000 19,300,000 98,400,000
123 465 978 134 245 678 965 333
Say number differently
25,100 56,500 69,800 87,900 98,300
Seventy six hundred
7,600 5,200 3,400 1,600 9,800 7,200 8,400 6,600
Reminder: a quarter past, a quarter after, a quarter to, half past.
You also say nine oh five (9:05) and two minutes to eight (7:58) and ten past or ten after two (2:10).
Remember AM is for morning and PM afternoon. You only use them when necessary.
7AM 12PM 12:35 11:09 10:40 9:15 8:30 7:30 6:45 5:50 Breakfast Lunch Snack Meal Dinner
$5,000 €6,000 £9,000 $25,000 €46,000 £75,000
Format Dates
January 21, 2009 January twenty first two thousand nine
February 5, 2010 The fifth of February twenty ten (two thousand ten)
March 13, 2019 March thirteenth twenty nineteen (two thousand nineteen)
April 19, 2020 The nineteenth of April twenty twenty (two thousand twenty)
May 21, 2030 May twenty first twenty thirty (two thousand thirty)
June 30, 2015 The thirtieth of June twenty fifteen (two thousand fifteen)
Long distance transport
The new client is just north of here.
The airport is south of the city.
We are east of downtown.
The conference center is west of us.
The company is north east of the city.
They are south west of us.
It is over by a few blocks.
Turn at the lights.
We are near the subway stop
We are around the corner.
Go two blocks and turn right.
Phrasal verbs To be: around with into for over away
To be: around with into for over away
To be around is to be present. I will be around tomorrow. Can you stop by?
To be with is to accompany. Jack is with the boss.
To be into is to be passionate. The team is into the project.
To be for is to support. We are for the new proposal.
To be over is to be finished with. Are they over the problem yet?
To be away is not to be present. Pete is away this week.
Using although, though, even though, despite, in spite of
Although I use the net everyday, I seldom buy online. The supplier was happy although there were challenges in the project. The trip was great though the flight was late.
The vacation was a success in spite of the hotel.
They did the project even though they said they couldn’t.
He promoted the employee despite the circumstance.
She arrived on time in spite of the delay.
Despite the event, they decided to continue.
Although she was prepared, we were nervous.
The group was happy despite the difficult project.
Jill wanted to proceed in spite of the concerns.
Peter was busy although he had some extra time.
Philip was ready despite the new deadline.
Although you knew it would succeed, you prepared well.
Despite the concerns, they got the contract.
They continued even though they were late.
Calm before the storm
The calm period before a lot of activity.
The office was quiet. They knew it was the calm before the storm.
Carrot and stick
Different forms of motivation are the carrot and stick.
They preferred the carrot compared to the stick approach for their teams.
Cash cow
Something that makes a lot of easy money is a cash cow.
The new product became a cash cow.