Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
Alphabet letters
r e z a n b v c
999 864 745 699 581 462 342 265
43,100 79,500 88,800 99,900 52,300
Say number differently
Seventy six hundred 7,600
8,800 7,100 4,200 9,300 3,500 10,300 11,600
Complex numbers
Fraction ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞
Reminder: Reminder: a quarter past, a quarter after, a quarter to, half past.
You also say nine oh five (9:05) and two minutes to eight (7:58) and ten past or ten after two (2:10).
Remember AM is for morning and PM afternoon. You only use them when necessary.
11AM 4PM 1:20 2:55 3:05 4:21 5:35 6:49 7:22 8:06 Later in the day, Earlier, A while ago
$1,000,000 €3,000,000 £6,000,000 $8,000,000 €7,000,000 £9,000,000
Format Dates
February 5, 2010 The fifth of February twenty ten (two thousand ten)
March 13, 2019 March thirteenth twenty nineteen (two thousand nineteen)
May 21, 2030 May twenty first twenty thirty (two thousand thirty)
June 30, 2015 The thirtieth of June twenty fifteen (two thousand fifteen)
October 7, 2026 October seventh twenty twenty sixth (two thousand twenty six)
December 1, 2007 December first two thousand seven
Most common first names female
Jane, Janet, Allison, Rachel, Sandy, Sarah, Amy, Jessica, Lucy, Kate, Charlotte, Ella, Nicole, Louise, Laura, Jasmine,
Elizabeth, Rebecca, Alice, Anna, Brooke, Zara, Evelyn, Mary, Patricia, Linda, Barbara, Jennifer, Maria, Susan, Margaret, Dorothy,
Lisa, Nancy, Karen, Betty, Helen, Sandra, Donna, Carol, Ruth, Sharon, Laura, Kimberly, Debora, Shirley, Cynthia, Angela, Melissa,
Brenda, Ann, Virginia, Kathleen, Pamela, Martha, Debra, Amanda.
To look: after ahead down for with forward to
To look after is to take care of. You should look after the project.
To look ahead is to look to the future. They are looking ahead with the project.
To look down on is to be superior. They looked down on the team.
To look for is to search. I am looking for a solution.
To look forward is to anticipate. I am looking forward to the project.
To make: up to into out
To make up is to invent. They made up the story.
To make out is to understand. They could just make out the signature.
To make to is to create. They made the project to specifications.
To make into is to transform. They made the idea into a project.
Using odd irregular verbs
You retook the project.
The business trip awoke the team to the problems.
The computer undid the calculations.
They struck the panel as a good team.
The decision was upheld.
She undid the mistake.
The project ground to a halt.
We’d spread the news to all departments.
They had to preset the costs.
He sought help before beginning the project.
The spread on the cost was too much.
The project sank after the problem.
The executive upheld the decision.
The manager retook her position.
She struck them as a good decision maker.
The manager was awoken by the phone at the hotel.
On the ball
If you are on the ball you are aware of what is going on.
She is really on the ball. She always knows what is going on.
On the house
If it is free it is on the house.
We got drinks on the house.
Out and about
If you are out doing things you can be out and about.
They are out and about today.