Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
Alphabet letters
c x m l k j
Dozens Thousands Millions Billions Trillions
1,000,900 2,000,800 3,000,700 4,000,600 5,000,500
786 864 745 699 581 462 342 265
Say number differently
Seventy six hundred 7,600
9,100 8,200 7,300 6,400 5,900 4,800 3,700
Complex numbers
Special 2.32 3.45 6.98 9.67 8.14
Reminder: a quarter past, a quarter after, a quarter to, half past.
You also say nine oh five (9:05) and two minutes to eight (7:58) and ten past or ten after two (2:10).
Remember AM is for morning and PM afternoon. You only use them when necessary.
5AM 6PM 7: 15 6:45 5:30 4:15 3:30 2:45 1:20 12:30 11:55 Noon Afternoon Morning Evening Night
Woman pronounced woman
Women pronounced wemen

The woman was happy.
There were two women at the meeting.
The director is a woman.
The women were on the board.
George: Hello Jack, I would like you to meet Jane.
Jack: Pleased to meet you Jane. My name is Jack.
Jane: The pleasure is mine.
Sally: Hi Janet, this is Michael our new marketing director.
Michael; Nice to meet you.
Janet: How do you do?
Peter: John. Phil. Phil, John.
John: Nice to meet you.
Phil: Hello.
Paul: Nancy, I would like you to meet Susan.
Nancy: Hi.
Susan: How are you?
Nancy: Fine thanks and you?
Susan: Fine thank you.
Stewart: Hey Mike I want you to meet Natasha.
Mike: Hi Natasha my name is Mike.
Natasha: I’m Natasha.
To note:
To note down is to copy on a piece of paper. Can you note down the email address?
To rule:
To rule out is to not consider. You can rule out the competition. They went bankrupt.
To rule over is to control. The new group will rule over the business unit.
To join:
To join in is to participate. Will she join in the conversation?
To join up is to become a member. You should join up.
Using the third conditional
Had I visited the client I would not have disappointed them.
If Ian hadn’t made an effort would it have been such a success?
Had the client had an offer they’d have evaluated it.
If he had traveled to Korea he’d have met them.
The project would have been a problem had they taken it.
You would not have visited if you had not found the discount tickets.
If I had not known the client was in town I would not have seen him.
She would have been happy had she won.
The company wouldn’t have succeeded had they not tried.
If the team hadn’t played they’d have lost.
If Phil had done the project, it would have been a success.
We would’ve applied if we thought we could.
If he were in the office I would have checked.
If I’d known about the problem I’d have solved it.
You’d have been at the show had you known.
If they hadn’t visited the facilities would anyone have told us?
Part and parcel
If something is part of an activity it is part and parcel.
I don't like prospecting for new clients although it is part and parcel of my job.
Pay your dues
To have to earn your position by paying your dues. Doing the dirty work.
He has paid his dues. He is going to be promoted.
Piece of cake
If something is a piece of cake, it is really easy.
That project is a piece of cake. We should be ready in no time.