Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
Alphabet letters
m l k j h g d
236 569 875 426 135 354 999 821 562
89,000 113,000 199,000 256,000
Say number differently
Seventy six hundred 7,600
7,800 6,100 5,200 4,300 3,500 9,300 7,600
Complex numbers
3.32 6.56 9.82 8.71 4.45
Reminder: a quarter past, a quarter after, a quarter to, half past.
You also say nine oh five (9:05) and two minutes to eight (7:58) and ten past or ten after two (2:10).
Remember AM is for morning and PM afternoon. You only use them when necessary.
6AM 7PM 12:35 11:09 10:15 9:15 8:30 7:30 6:45 5:45 Breakfast Lunch Snack Meal Dinner
Currency $5,000 €6,000 £9,000 $25,000 €46,000 £75,000
To rule:
January 9, 2009 January ninth two thousand nine
February 5, 2010 The fifth of February twenty ten (two thousand ten)
March 13, 2019 March thirteenth twenty nineteen (two thousand nineteen)
April 19, 2020 The nineteenth of April twenty twenty (two thousand twenty)
May 21, 2030 May twenty first twenty thirty (two thousand thirty)
June 30, 2015 The thirtieth of June twenty fifteen (two thousand fifteen)
I came by train.
She drove.
I walk to work.
Did you fly?
Do not forget your passport.

Do they have to go through customs?
Did you clear customs?
Which documents do I need for immigration?
They are clearing immigration.
Do you think I need a visa?
When is the expiration date of your passport?
Have you been to the consulate to pick up the documents?
Where is the embassy?
To be around is to be present. I will be around tomorrow. Can you stop by?
To be with is to accompany. Jack is with the boss.
To be into is to be enthusiastic. The team is into the project.
To be for is to support. We are for the new proposal.
To be over is to resolve. Are they over the problem yet?
To be away is to be gone. Pete isn't away this week.
Using seeing that, in that, due to, in as much as
Seeing that he will visit, she will go.
In that the conference call is next week, we should prepare.
Due to the situation you should talk to them.
In that you are arriving tomorrow, I will get you.
In as much as he is a new employee I will help.
She is due to do a project.
The team will go, seeing that they are interested.
In that Peter is a great presenter, he should go to Japan.
In as much as John likes the project, he shouldn't go.
The project is due to begin.
Seeing that he is in a hurry we should start.
In that you will do a presentation, you should take the laptop.
Seeing that he is skeptical, I will go.
In as much as he has a good position, we should contact him.
Due to the company’s situation, we should go.
Ride high
When things are going well you are riding high.
She is riding high after the job promotion.
Rub shoulders
When you meet influential people you rub shoulders.
They rubbed shoulders with the bosses.
Run something into the ground
To not take care of something so it doesn't work is to run it into the ground.
We finally got a new computer after we ran the old one into the ground.