Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
Alphabet letters
a z r e t y I u
Dozens Thousands Millions Billions Trillions
1,200,000 2,500,000 3,800,000 4,100,000 5,900,000
562 236 569 875 426 135 354 999 821
Say number differently
Seventy six hundred 7,600
4,800 2,900 1,700 9,500 2,300 8,100 3,900
Complex numbers
3.32 6.56 9.82 8.71 4.45
Reminder: a quarter past, a quarter after, a quarter to, half past.
You also say nine oh five (9:05) and two minutes to eight (7:58) and ten past or ten after two (2:10).
Remember AM is for morning and PM afternoon. You only use them when necessary.
8AM 9PM 1:15 2:15 3:30 4:30 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:10 9:20 Noon Afternoon Morning Evening Night
Currency $25.22 €13.36 £14.56 $15.96 €88.66 £25.44
Format Dates
July 31, 2021 The thirty first of July twenty twenty one (two thousand twenty one)
August 8, 2022 August eighth twenty twenty two (two thousand twenty two)
September 14, 2016 The fourteenth of September twenty sixteen (two thousand sixteen)
October 7, 2026 October seventh twenty twenty sixth (two thousand twenty six)
November 29, 2008 The twenty ninth of November two thousand eight
December 1, 2007 December first two thousand seven
Tough: The project is tough.
Though: Though I was nervous, I still did the presentation.
Through: I have to go through customs.
Thought: I thought it was a good idea.
Thorough: It was a thorough solution.
To put:
To put off is to delay. The conference will be put off.
To put on is to do. They are putting on a show.
To put out is to extinguish. They put out the fire.
To put out is also to produce. They have to put out at the company.
To run:
To run away is to go. He ran away.
To run for is to attempt to get a position. She is running for governor.
To run out is to have no more. They are running out of ideas.
Using alternatively, by contrast, whereas, hence, in so far as, thus, whenever.
She alternatively could visit the client.
The project was a success thus we got a raise.
The vacation was fun hence he decided to return the next year.
They were working hard meanwhile they enjoyed the process.
They subsequently should have contacted the client.
They, by contrast had a good group.
Whereas she is very talented she should not do the project.
We should look into it hence we will find out more.
We consequently decided to do the project.
Alex is moving to Dubai meanwhile he is preparing the presentation.
Richard subsequently moved to the US.
The team was successful in so far as they got good results.
Thus you should make a decision.
They need to decide in so far as they need an answer.
The new employee is great furthermore he speaks several languages.
The project is great what’s more it’s in Toronto.
Steve goes to the client whenever possible.
Quiet as a mouse
To be very quiet is to be as quiet as a mouse.
She is as quiet as a mouse.
Rags to riches
To go from being poor to rich is going from rags to riches.
They went from rags to riches. They are doing well.
Red tape
When there is bureaucratic interference there is red tape. This is a negative term.
There is a lot of red tape in that project. We have to make sure all the paperwork is ready.