Warm Up


Warm ups (Remember to go over these warm ups several times this week)
Alphabet letters
p x o g u t j
Dozens Thousands Millions Billions Trillions
123 465 978 134 245 678 965 333
321,000 550,000 789,000 921,000
Say number differently
Seventy six hundred 7,600
5,200 3,400 1,600 9,800 7,200 8,400 6,600
Complex numbers
13.31 14.51 60.18 16.17 20.86
Reminder: a quarter past, a quarter after, a quarter to, half past. You also say nine oh five (9:05) and two minutes to eight (7:58) and ten past or ten after two (2:10). Remember AM is for morning and PM afternoon. You only use them when necessary.
11AM 4PM 12:35 11:09 10:15 9:15 8:30 7:30 6:45 5:45 Breakfast Lunch Snack Meal Dinner
Currency $8,000.20 €5,000.35 £1, 000.80 $9,000.26 €7,000.83 £4,000.65
Format Dates
January 21, 2009 January twenty first two thousand nine
February 5, 2010 The fifth of February twenty ten (two thousand ten)
March 13, 2019 March thirteenth twenty nineteen (two thousand nineteen)
April 19, 2020 The nineteenth of April twenty twenty (two thousand twenty)
May 21, 2030 May twenty first twenty thirty (two thousand thirty)
June 30, 2015 The thirtieth of June twenty fifteen (two thousand fifteen)
Sun There will be sun this afternoon.
Cloud There isn’t a cloud in the sky.
Rain We are expecting rain.
Showers There will be showers later.
Snow Was there any snow last week?
Fog The airport closed because of fog.
Hot It has been hot lately.
Cool It is quite cool here.
Warm Will it warm up?
Mild It has been mild lately.
Cold Is it cold?
Degrees How many degrees is it?
25 Celsius It is 25 Celsius.
15 Celsius It was 15 Celsius.
22 Fahrenheit It is 22 Fahrenheit.
35 Fahrenheit It was 35 Fahrenheit.
To set:
To set up is to establish. He set up the project.
To set off is to start. They set off the alarm.
To take:
To take care of is to be careful. You should take care of the project.
To take off is to have a break. Can you take next week off?
To take off is to leave. The airplane takes off soon.
To take off is to remove. He took off his shoes.
To take on is to be responsible for. Does she want to take on the project?
To take over is to control. The company will take over the job.
To take to is to appreciate. They are taking to the new product.
To take after is to be like. You take after you dad.
Using among beneath underneath between
They thought the contract was among the most lucrative.
The manager thought it was beneath his abilities.
They are underneath the top floor.
He is between projects.
She was among the top employees in the company.
Jack found it underneath his desk.
The work is beneath their capacities.
Between meetings they went out for lunch.
The product was among the ones short listed.
The parking lot was underneath the first floor.
The results were beneath the projections.
Valerie is between jobs.
Barry is among the first to use the software.
The offices were underneath the 3d floor.
The kick off was among his projects.
Ride high
When things are going well you are riding high.
She is riding high after the job promotion.
Rub shoulders
When you meet influential people you rub shoulders.
They rubbed shoulder with the decision makers at the conference.
Run something into the ground
To use something until it doesn’t work is to run it into the ground.
We finally got a new computer after we ran the old one into the ground.