Lesson 2: The Office


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

The Office Vocabulary
Corporate: A business structure. The corporate structure was designed so they could go to the stock market.
Behavior: The actions of a person. His behavior is not acceptable.
Resolve: To come to a solution. They needed to resolve the problem before going on.
Used to: Something done before (modal). He used to go to the office at 7 AM each day.
Conscious: To be aware. He is conscious of his work.
Substantial: A lot of. There was substantial proof the project was a success.
Solid: To not change (safe and strong). It is a solid company.
Stable: To stay even. The market was stable.
Overload: To burden with too much work. They were overloaded with work.
Deposits: They put money in the account.The deposit was made at the bank.
Withdrawal: To take out. Also to take money out of the bank. The withdrawal of the offer was a surprise to the lawyers.