Lesson 2: The Office


Lesson Preparation

Technique Builders

2. Speaking English
Sentences (read out loud)
The behaviour of the corporate executive was not professional.
They had a substantial amount of money to deposit.
The bank account was stable although they withdrew a lot of money.
He was overloaded with work although he was used to it.

3. Technique Builders
CEO: Chief Executive Officer / CFO: Chief Financial Officer
CTO: Chief Technical Officer / CAO: Chief Administrative Officer
EU: European Union / WTO: World Trade Organization
AGM: Annual General Meeting / B2B: Business to Business
B2C: Business to Consumer / VAT: Value Added Tax
ROI: Return on Investment / SWOT: Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats
ROM: Read Only Memory / RAM: Random Access Memory
Pdf: Document File / FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Writing Builders

4. Writing English Builders
Hello John
How are you doing? I just wanted to send out the report for the B2B project we are working on. I wanted to present it at the AGM. What do you think?

Dear Ms. Janet Hardy,
I have decided to present the new executive including our new CEO, CFO, CAO, at the meeting next week. Please let me know if you have anything to add.
Sincerely yours
Alex Johnson.