Lesson 7: Mergers and Acquisitions


Lesson Preparation

Vocabulary and Expression Builders.

Profitability The company was making money.
They have achieved profitability this year.
Point of view A perspective.
He had a good point of view during the meeting.
Painful Suffering.
The merger was painful.
A user To have access to the net.
He is an internet user.
Lay off To ask to leave.
The company is having problems, so it will have to lay people off.
To fire To force to leave a company.
The employee was incompetent, so she will be fired.
To resign To leave a company.
He wants to leave, so he will resign.

Diversify To go into other sectors of activity.
They diversified their activity by going into transportation.
Shareholders People who own stock in a company.
The annual shareholder's meeting was in February.
Inefficient Wasteful.
The factory was inefficient. They doubled several parts of the manufacturing process.
Changing times Evolution after a period of time.
The job description was an indication of changing times.
Hardware The physical parts of a computer.
They had to buy new hardware for the system.
Warehouse A place to store items. Usually a building.
The warehouse was full of stock from the factory.
Streamline To make efficient.
The company streamlined the manufacturing process.