Lesson 7: Mergers and Acquisitions


Lesson Preparation

2. Speaking English
Sentences (read out loud)
Economies change and streamlining companies to meet the needs of the market is essential.
The inefficient operation of the warehouse was affecting the profitability of the holding.
The executive was waiting for the resignation of the manager.
From the point of view of the shareholders, it was essential to diversify into the transportationation sector.
There are a lot of internet sites that manage financial transitions

3. Technique Builders
Mistakes: Correct version
The condition were best than before. (incorrect)
The conditions were better than before. (correct)
That is the better price we could find. (incorrect)
That is the best price we could find. (correct)
It is the more important project this year. (incorrect)
It is the most important project this year. (correct)

4. Writing English Builders

To outmanoeuvre To have a better strategy.
They outmanoeuvred the competition.
To be made redundant To have two people do the job.
He was made redundant after the project was over.
To have a profound Impact To change a lot.
The new boss had a profound impact on the organization.